Author: Cindy

Hope for the world
Black lives matter. I couldn’t agree more. It was impressive to see whites standing (or rather, laying down) with blacks at the Park City mall as a sign of unity. “Surely He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace….” Every black life snuffed out in fly by shootings, whether the gun holder’s hand is white or black, matters. Statistically, black babies are aborted at four times the rate of white babies. Each of these black lives matter. These victims cannot speak so we must speak for them.
By expanding it to all lives matter does not take away or devalue any people group, but rather increases the beauty of each individual life, no matter the origin, no matter the difference. We have the beauty of life as our most precious common denominator – each and every breathing individual carries life within and has needs for love, security, significance, purpose.
My mother’s family fled Germany as Hitler, seeking to extinguish the entire Jewish people, rose to power. This immigrant family sought to make a new life here amidst suspicions based solely on the fact that they were German. I live in an area rich with history of peoples who came to America to escape persecutions and death due to their beliefs. Black Africans were brought to America (and other countries) and sold as chattel, many living miserable lives under evil owners who stripped them of their dignity. Many others were treated favorably. The ones empowered to help (abolitionists, conductors in the Underground railroad, even up to President Lincoln) were white and at risk to their own lives and security, sought to restore the dignity and rescue those in slavery. Because black lives matter. Because life matters no matter what the color of the wrapping. Although black slavery was abolished, the haunting spirit of slavery still lives on and humans, no matter what color, are seen as a resource and trafficked worldwide.
Prejudice abounds. It abounds in small minds, in small, insecure hearts. Human nature in its lowest form will look down upon those who are ‘different’. My son with autism faces it. He, like DeBlasio’s son, is biracial. I, both as a woman, and in the over-fifty range face a degree of ‘pre-judging’. Sexism, ageism, even those overweight. Now prejudice abounds against those in uniform. But having a sit-in will not restore dignity to people. Respect comes from the action of not returning evil for evil and stooping to the level others place value upon. Respect for self, towards others, and from others comes from rising up in grace and heroic action. Now freed through the conscience and efforts of decent people, the former slave victims can now rise as victors and make a life that shows dignity and value. Rather than being slaves to the past, it is time to hitch our hopes and values and dreams into a future that is founded on respect, love, dignity. I don’t want to settle for ‘awareness’ (and aren’t we all pretty much aware?), but for acknowledgement and turning our energy for positive action rather than retaliation or escalation. Lets escalate in a revolution of grace and love.
1 – “Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother” (O Holy Night carol). We have awareness that there still exists slavery TODAY in many forms, but awareness is not enough. Get involved. It is a growing evil that will continue until we stand in unity and say ‘enough’. Be a hero to someone else. We can heroically restore dignity in our generation. Let that be our goal. Let that be what future generations will note as our legacy and live in that freedom.
2 – Visit another church if yours doesn’t have diversity. Invite a family into your life, one that is ‘different’ than yours. Lets build some bridges!!
3 – How about learning a new language? Spanish? English? One of the chains that could bring us together is communication. Beyond this, however, is the universal language of love. How about some random acts of kindness? Bring some donuts to the police station. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you, or the groceries of the person in front of you. Pay with the grace card. Kindness and grace speaks a universal language of love. Let it begin with me.
4 – “In His Name all oppression shall cease…” Recognize that it is not the color of skin or uniform that separates us but the darkness that exists in our own hearts. It is universal. That is the place change needs to occur. The self-protection, self-promotion, self-interest, self-seeking puts filters on our eyes splinters in our hearts, and separates us. Wrongly separates because all human nature is blighted by it and though we long for peace we discover that “… hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men.” (I Heard the Bells carol) That’s because we ourselves are slaves – to ourselves and to the evil that lies within each of us. But the true hope is found not in a platform, cause or creed but in the One True Hope that we celebrate especially this season. He came to save us from ourselves!! From our own agendas, by seeking His peace, His life, His forgiveness, His way. The way of Peace from the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Peace will only reign outside of us when it reigns inside of our hearts and changes our thinking – outward, outside of ourselves. Then the true hero can rise up and find creative ways to lift up our brothers and sisters, restoring dignity as it was meant from the beginning of creation.
“Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!”

Here I am
God, I don’t understand. What are You saying?
You are here.
Yes. Here.
But where is ‘here’? It’s blank. Usually when I see this sign it is in relation to more information, like restrooms, first aid, distance to goal, landmarks. Something somewhere.
Yes. I know. You are on a need-to-know basis.
But I need to know!
No. I need to know, and I do. You want to know.
So….where am I? Where is here?
Here. You tell me. Where are you?
Feels like nowhere. A place of unknowing, pain, stress, loss. Questions. In-between-ness. What is ahead for Don? When will You heal him? What is ahead for him – for our family…..?
Lift your eyes and zoom out. Where are you, Cindy?
I am….in the palm of Your hand. In safety. By design.
Yes. Keep going.
And …You are here. With me.
Yes, my child. Always. In this place. I am in the midst of it all with you. In the midst of life and all it brings. Here. Now. I AM HERE. You desire Me to be with you and I am Immanuel, “God-with-us”. I desire you to be HERE with Me.
Abide here.
That’s all you need. There are many examples of My followers who had no map. Think of Mary. She did not see the completed book, knowing what was ahead. It was for her also a place of unknowing, pain, stress, loss. Questions. She faithfully accepted My hand and I led her each day. She gave birth to My Son, raised Him, released Him. And received Him back in newness of life. You see that now, but she lived one day at a time without the landmarks and distance to a goal arrows.
Think also of a child, living in the present without the concerns of the next thing. Fully present in what is in front of them. Trusting.
I will reveal more to you as you need it. Don’t look anxiously about you, seeking more or you’ll miss Me HERE. Take My hand. Rest in My palm. Where you are, where I AM.
You are here……………and so am I.
Thank You, Lord, for your with-ness in this place. I will abide with You here. Thank You for examples in life, examples in Your Word. Like Mary, I respond, be it unto me according to Your word. You are the Word, Living Word with me here in this place. Though I wait in this “holding pattern,” I am comforted to know it is Yours, and I am held, tucked in the palm of Your hand.
‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Isaiah 41:10

His light surrounds, His delight cascades
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 Amplified
I have experienced much change and loss, especially since the fall of 2011. Events occurring so fast and piling up one upon another without me having much chance to really process. Because I take people deep into my heart some separations geographically and emotionally have pained deeply. Then, of course, having my Dad and sister’s deaths within just over a year of one another leave another separation, gaps in my heart. So over the past 3+ years, there has been loss in relationships, ministry, opportunities, and dreams/expectations of the future as Don has been battling this disease and all it represents – to see him in pain and not be able to help, to go to doctor after doctor, testing and possible therapies, only to have nothing bring relief. I’ve taken off work and rescheduled all types of meetings/appointments/gatherings to be able to go with him, be an extra ear, an extra shoulder, to support him and so we can process together.
So to top it off, it felt especially compacted since/through this summer. My burst appendix, sprained foot, sister’s passing, Karisa leaving for YWAM, Mom falling and getting horribly bruised, Don’s medical leave of absence…compounded by all the things involved in Don’s health. While my mom was visiting my brother I mentioned to Don I’d like to get away for a day since his doctor appointment wasn’t until the end of that week. I needed time to ponder, even grieve. Maybe I could tag a few hours one evening and a few the next day where my schedule was clear. He suggested 2 possible retreat places because he knows I love nature and walks in the woods. It was kind of ironic because I feel like I’ve been in a dark forest with tree after tree in front of me and I can’t see the forest for the trees. I said I needed a clearing, that I’d really love a chalet with a broad window to let the sunlight in, above the trees with a clear and open view. He asked where would that be? “Switzerland, I guess. Can I go there for a day?” So we chuckled and I put it out of my mind and planned to call either of those two places. The following day I mentioned my ‘open schedule’ and plan to get away on a personal mini-retreat to a friend. She suggested the same two places, so I told her I was planning to call. I didn’t tell her about my chalet desire, so was speechless when she exclaimed, “Or what about the Alpine House?” I stared at her totally mystified. “Alpine House? In Lancaster County?” She looked it up on her phone. It’s a beautiful A-frame that has a view over the river. And it’s the picture God dropped into my heart! And my friend took it upon herself to make all the arrangements for me! A double gift!
Only God could put my chalet in Lancaster County! He dropped the desire into my heart and was delighted to fill it. And I had a lovely time with Him over that brief time. Brief but full. Full of life, full of breathing freely. Only God could take something that has been ongoing for a period of time, and yet fill it in such a short period of time. It defies mathematics! I didn’t need to pull out each individual event and lay it before Him – He just gave me more of Himself. Refilling and refreshing and renewing. Clearing out the dark forest in my head and shining His light in!
Though feeling greatly undeserving, the overwhelming feeling was I felt heard. Loved. Things of course I know, but felt desperate to be reminded in a tangible way. An only-God way.
Thank You for Your unique, unmistakeable touches on my life, Lord, reminders that You are with me, wanting to be with me. That You are for me. That You go be-fore me. That You know the need of my heart before I can even express it –or imagine it with my limited view. Thank You for Your presence surrounding me. May I be ever aware and not miss a single fingerprint, a single sunbeam. I offer this praise and pray it will lift the eyes and spirit of others who need a unique sense of Your presence and love for them.

The Great Magnifier
‘Where is God, Mom? I can’t see Him…” I’ve heard this when Jordon was young, and yet at age 20 it still disturbs him. And it distresses me, too, to hear this, for the greatest desire of my heart for Jordon is for him to be able to relate to the God who created him for relationship and with great purpose.
I have often referred to autism as the great magnifier, for whatever we typically experience as individuals tends to become expanded in the lives and perspectives of those who have autism. Jordon is no exception. As we all do, he relies upon his five senses to give him information to guide him. He relies heavily, and he relies solely upon them. His is a black-and-white type of world, and he has difficulty in accepting what he cannot see, or taste, touch, smell or hear.
So I tell him to feel his breath. When God created Adam, He breathed His very breath into him, and he became alive. That breath is passed down every time a child is born and takes its first breath. We are carrier of the breath of God in our own body. God cannot get even closer to us – to him!
But, how, Lord, can he see You, the greatness and majesty of the Unseen One? How can he relate to you? Please reveal Yourself to him in tangible ways and develop his spiritual senses.
“Where am I evident on earth, Cindy? I am displayed in all of nature, and felt in flesh and blood through My children.”
Please magnify Yourself through my life and the lives of those who relate to Jordon, Lord, so He can have a tangible and concrete knowing of You.
And so God answers. He has moved upon several in our church who have sought out Jordon and been Jesus to him – accepting him, hugging him, feeding him (definitely a path to his heart), leading by example. And so Jordon experiences the touch and love of God in very tangible ways. They are Jesus on display, exhibited and magnified in the flesh.
And God, the Great Magnifier, also does His revealing work when we arrive at Joni and Friends camp. He becomes visible from the moment we drive on the campground as people gather to cheer our arrival. He is evidenced in the open acceptance of the buddy prayerfully assigned to be with him throughout the week. What may be merely ‘tolerance’ felt elsewhere, is experienced as love and acceptance and permeates each interaction – a tasting, hearing, smelling, seeing, and feeling of a bit of Heaven on earth.
When we go to Joni and Friends family camp, it truly is like Heaven on earth. He is not just tolerated, not just accepted, but he is embraced as one who can also offer something of value to the Body of Christ. He is known for his strengths, his gifts, and can feel the image of God within himself as he is valued. He is needed. He is loved. We all come aware of our brokenness and we are all on even ground. Acceptance is freely offered, gratefully received. Wholeness is discovered in our brokenness. A taste of Heaven on earth. And such grieving Jordon experiences as we return to ‘the real world.’
Statistics reveal that one in 68 people have a form of autism, so Jordon is not alone in his need to ‘see’ Jesus and be touched by Him. Those with autism greatly magnify what we all need – to experience Jesus with skin on. And so the challenge goes out to each of us.
How can we reveal the God-made-flesh today?
If you’d like more info re Joni and Friends, please go to www.joniandfriends.org

Heaven bound
Yesterday I lost my sister to ovarian cancer. She fought a good fight. Fought with undaunted courage and with resolute faith. She did all the ‘right’ things (prayer, chemo, clinical trial, healthy, organic foods, alternative methods) yet succumbed to this ravaging disease. Succumbed but not surrendered. Her surrender was reserved for her God Who in His sovereignty would have the final say. And He said, ‘Come Home to Me, My precious daughter, good and faithful one.“ Her heart in life and in death was to glorify God. Through her prayers. Through her teaching. Through her music. Through her life. And now she can enjoy His presence, His delight – HIM – forever.
After hanging up the phone upon receiving this final word from my niece, I broke down sobbing. Even after a year of grieving the floods could not be held back. I sent Don over to Mom’s so she would be ready for the phone call and he would be with her through it. I could not, both because I was overcome myself and because I was on crutches and limited in my walking.
So it was only Jordon and I here at home. He looking at the iPad, me sobbing uncontrollably. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head. Jordon’s hand. Awkwardly he asked, “Should I get Dad, Mom? I don’t know what to do.” I gave him something concrete to do, to please get me some tissues. After locating them, he came back and placed his hand on my shoulder and began to share some childhood memories of Heidi. How did he know what to do? You may not be aware, but I generally have to script things for him because he is awkward in emotional or social settings due to his autism. But I hadn’t said a word. I couldn’t.
Then out of his mouth came the most appropriate words I can imagine from anyone, not expected in a twenty-year old, and certainly not one with autism. “Aunt Heidi gets to be in heaven with Jesus now; I can’t wait to be there someday too.”
I stopped sobbing to look up through wet lashes and see if an angel had suddenly appeared. Jordon had spoken straight from his spirit –The Spirit– to my heart.
Done with his message delivery, Jordon went back to his iPad……….and I sat in sacred silence.

Choosing to rejoice
“This day,today, Jehovah has made/appointed. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
So when God created evening and morning, He called it a “day” and declared it “good”. How many times have I said the opposite of God (!) placing it on the other side of the ledger, calling it a ‘bad’ day? The day He Himself has created, appointed, and declared ‘good’? Forgive me, Lord…When I agree with You, knowing there is nothing random in Your kingdom, my eyes are newly opened to Your goodness, even in the midst of trying circumstances. And that is where I long to dwell.
The evening of Karisa’s high school graduation, Saturday, June 15, I began having stomach discomfort. Thinking I had a flu, I endured throughout Sunday, keeping people at arm’s length lest they catch it. By Sunday night, the pain had increased to such a degree, I realized a) it was not a flu b) I could not wait until morning to call the doctor. I hesitated a while, not wanting to wake up Don (because of the nature of his disease he sleeps so little), but finally woke him and we quickly went to the hospital arriving around 1:30 am. By 4:30 am, the CT scan results confirmed appendicitis and the doctor was called. He arrived just before 9 and told me it would be a simple laparoscopic procedure and I could possibly go home by that evening. Shortly after that and before the actual surgery at 2:30 pm, my appendix ruptured, sending searing pain through the roof, and spewing infectious toxins throughout my abdomen, leading to peritonitis, and to 7 days in the hospital.
The days were long and filled with pain and discomfort. Instead of being restful, I felt like I had to fight to re-gain balance, because the heavy antibiotics flowing through my IV tube to get rid of the infection were also making me feel very sick. I felt like you do in the ocean with the waves pushing and pressing and you lose your footing. In many ways, I felt at the mercy of the doctors but in reality I was kept in the merciful hand of God. And had much time to ponder the events of the week.
God reminded me that the pains actually had begun the night before the graduation. I was up a couple of hours late Friday night thinking something I ate had not digested well, but eventually fell asleep. When I got up the morning of the graduation, and throughout the day, I had only slight twinges to remind me and was grateful whatever it was had passed. Although, unknown to me, it was a foretaste of things yet to come, God gave me the gift of enjoying her graduation and celebration that day!! It could have been different – but it was a 12-hour window gift and memory I will enjoy the rest of my life.
As ‘bad’ as it was – I survived. There are those who don’t. As long as it was, I have heard others spent even longer in the hospital. As hard as the timing was, I was out of the hospital and able to go to our much-loved time at Joni&Friends camp, where I truly could relax and recuperate in ways I could not at home. The timing couldn’t have been any better in that regard.
The choice to rejoice is a gift. A choice to agree with God and therefore see His goodness, carefully woven in and among what is not ‘good’. What empowerment in the choice He gives us!
Thank You, Creator God, that this day is a day You are at work. A day You, as Redeemer, have meant for good to come forth. A sacred day, an appointed day, a day known to You, the All-Knowing One, have ordained from ages past. A day, Precious Immanuel, You are present with me. You are present for me. I choose to rejoice in Your goodness and Your presence and Your purpose in it.

On Forging a Sword
On forging a sword
Written Mar 18, 2014 11:02pm by Cindy Riker
Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua1:9
Webster defines courage as “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” Interesting. Generally when we think of courage we initially think of some type of act of bravery, like running into a burning fire to save a life. But it also requires withstanding and perseverance. In a world where we quantify everything, how do we measure success? How does one measure with-standing? By the amount of time? The amount of pressure?
No one truly knows another’s capacity for the battles they face. We may see someone ‘standing’ and seem immobile, but it could be their last ounce of courage to do just that – to withstand. We cannot measure another by the capacity we might feel we possess. I don’t feel ‘courageous’ (as though courage were based on a feeling), but there have been days when it has taken perseverance and energy to make another trip to the doctor, to hear yet another siege of bad news in this health battle, and to consider its implications. It takes courage to face my feelings and my fears. And to stand in spite of it all. To stand whether others understand or not (or stand ‘under’ as support); to stand even when I’d like to run or hide. To stand when all I feel is at a standstill. Yet standing still is what it takes. But that doesn’t mean I ‘do nothing’. Among other things, I am beckoned to silently pray for others also in the waiting room (as well as the waiting room of life), for strength and courage for whatever they may be facing, whatever news they may be hearing (or fearing).
When a sword is being forged, it requires great time and patience by the Master Forger. He is not anxious or in a hurry, for it would not achieve His desired result to rush the process. He carefully chooses the particular metal, because different metals may require different methods. (I, of course, am an expert on this because I watched it on youtube). It is heated in a forge and hammered into shape. This is called ‘drawing out’ the sword and takes much time and patience. This process is repeated over and over – heating, cooling, hammering, sanding, polishing. This is required to temper the metal and keep the desired properties of strength and flexibility. Even then, if it is still brittle, it is reheated to soften it (1800 degrees!), grind it, pummel it, and cool it quickly to harden it. Even the pounding is not just for shaping and sharpening but for strengthening it. (http://EzineArticles.com/192067)
To the Master Forger it is an art and a craft, and He performs with excellence, using just the right amount of care and force. He uses steady blows, always with the purpose in mind, always with the picture of what He is producing. (Isaiah 54:16 “Behold, I have created the smith who blows on the fire of coals and who produces a weapon for its purpose…”) Why so much time and pressure? So that it can withstand. So that it achieves its purpose, something greatly useful that will persevere and withstand any force in the hand of the swordsmen. It must be reliable when it is called upon and ‘drawn up’ or brandished in battle. When He engraves His mark on it, He does so with pride.
So it takes ‘courage’ to undergo much of what we are all called to go through. But, knowing a secret helps us to withstand. Having done all, to stand sure.
I know Spring will win out and winter cold must yield to it. I can see it even in the midst of our winter storms, 18 inches at a time!
I know despite the clouds that hide the Sun, it is always shining, undaunted. It’s powerful rays will break through. Unseen does not mean un-present!
I know darkness will yield to light, and quickly scurry away, despite its apparent reign in the moment.
I know there is a time to “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”
I know the end of the story that we get to experience. We will not bend the knee to circumstances, doubt, or fear, no matter the pummeling. I know He will win the battle and will shout with mighty swords of victory – swords that are proven, swords that will with-stand.
Thank You for Your tender and powerful nature. Thank You that we need never fear – how can we, knowing YOU ARE WITH US, whether forging fire or raging flood! Thank You for others who also ‘stand-with’ us. As we stand in the time between the promise and the fulfillment. may we all remain ever faithful and persevering.
“We were meant to be courageous” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyc-M_Xv5TI&feature=player_embedded or http://youtu.be/Uyc-M_Xv5TI

A snapshot in the vineyard of Matthew 20:1-16
The Landowner hired me early on. Boy, was I happy to get this job! This will help pay for so many needs that have been growing in my family. Maybe even a few wants; maybe even a bit extra to share with others. I can raise my head and not feel shame or frustration as I try again and again to get some work – any work!
Yes, the work is back-breaking, the sun hot. But I’ve been planning all day how to use the pay, so it makes it worthwhile. I’ve seen others come along to help at various points as well throughout the day, so it’s nice to see progress here. In fact, it’s almost quitting time and there’s still more helpers coming! I can’t wait until 6. It’s almost here!
But… what is this? The foreman is doling out the pay to those who have just come on at 5! Hey, I’ve been here all day and my feet are tired – I am soooo ready to leave, and he’s starting with those who have come throughout the day. What about those of us who have been here all day?
Oh well, if he’s paying them such a generous amount and they didn’t put in a whole day’s work, how much more will he pay me?! Even better than I imagined!
Finally, I reach my hand out to receive my day’s wages. Suddenly my thankfulness fades and in its place I feel anger and resentment rising. I’ve received just the same as the ones who came in and worked for one hour!! How unfair is that! Isn’t he known to be benevolent? I certainly deserve more. I need to say something, and say it now! Pushing back my hair soaked from sweat I look up at him.
“Excuse me. There must be a mistake. I’ve been working hard for you all day, putting in my time, getting blisters on my hands and sunburn on my back, but I see that those who came late and worked very little have received the same as me. That’s not fair!” The words exploded out of my mouth and even surprised me with the force.
The landowner stepped up and looked with kind eyes into my face.
“Look friend, I am being fair with you. Did you not receive what we agreed this morning that you would receive – a day’s work for a day’s wages – and you seemed relieved to be chosen and glad for the work and the pay. It’s my choice to give my money to the last worker in my vineyard, even if it is as much as I’m giving you. Haven’t I the right to do what I want with what belongs to me? Do you now begrudge my generosity?’
How perspectives change in an instant! This act actually shows more of His benevolence. It is my opinion of worthiness and deservingness based on my values that needs to change.
The truth is – He is kind. He is good. He is generous. He does not give out of my perception of worth; He gives out of His generous nature. I have not been gypped. He is true to His word and our agreement. He is a man of impeccable integrity.
This has revealed my lack, not His! My lack of understanding. My lack of grace. My doubt of him was not based on his nature, but my own. My selfishness and greed. My values based on quantity and legalism. My eye that is envious and heart that is not grateful. It has stolen my joy as I’ve compared myself with others and thought, “Why should ‘those people’ get the same as me?” And as I began to resent his benevolence with my perceived rights.
Yet He challenges my little thinking. Last on the bus are the first off. Somehow it’s not about fairness, for He is the epitome of fair and just. It’s not about worthiness based on time served. Somehow it goes beyond. It is GRACE.
It is generosity and it is right, not based on my ‘rights’ but on His righteousness.
Generosity is generously linked to grace; neither are based on a sense of ‘deservingness’ of the receiver, but of the nature of the Giver. Generosity is the fruit of grace.
If my thinking doesn’t line up (but reveals the darkness in my own heart) then I need to reconcile my thinking to match His, just as darkness must yield to light.
Getting to know this landowner in deeper ways is the only way to understand and embrace such amazing grace. The more I do, the more I can see things from His perspective.
Such is the kingdom of heaven….

Romans 8:26-34
Thank You, Spirit –
You help me in my distress(es) which I feel daily; You pray for me (such a comfort, for so many times I can’t even put my thoughts or feelings into words); You plead on my behalf in harmony with God’s perfect plan for me – wow! You’re in my camp! You’ve got my back!
Thank You, God –
You know all hearts – even my own disloyal, confused and conflicted one; You cause ALL things – the good, the bad, the hard, the mysterious – to work together for good, uniquely pieced together like a creative patchwork quilt; You knew me in advance, before I had the faintest heartbeat blip on screen, and despite my failures and limitations chose ME to become like Your precious beloved Son and to become a family member with Him! Why me, when You of all know what lies within my heart and what I am capable of? You put Your best within me and bring out Your best from me. You chose, You called and You give me right standing with You, none of which I deserve, all a part of Your loving, divine plan. And to top it off, You promise me Your glory!! There is glory and value in being ransomed by Your Prize Son taking my place. Because of this, I know that anything less than this is like nothing in Your eyes! And I can rest in the peace that comes with the knowledge that You do not judge or condemn me.
If I feel judgment or condemnation it NOT from You!
I am honored to receive such help, care and choosing. I still can’t get over it – Your choice is me! To be chosen by the One who knows me; knows me and still loves me and chooses me
You love me as I am now, yet You invest so much in me and have plans for nobility and honor in my life