Category: Speaking

Living in the in-between
Here is a message I shared at a local retirement facility on February 13, 2022. I hope it brings confidence and courage as we rely on His promises.

I am the Light of the World

Palm Sunday message 4-5-20

Going from “If only…” to “What if…”
This is a talk I was privileged to share at a Day of Pampering for caregivers in families affected by disability. As in 2011, this day, the women were treated to a whole person pampering, with a hope-filled message, fun, fellowship, worship, gourmet lunch, hair/nail/makeup care, chocolate fountain/teacakes, massages and personal prayer ministry.

Weight of Glory
This was a talk I was privileged to share at a Day Of Pampering for women with families affected by disability. These are loving caregivers for husbands and children, devoting their time and energy for their loved ones. This day, in 2011, they were treated to a whole person pampering, with a hope-filled message, fun, fellowship, worship, gourmet lunch, hair/nail/makeup care, chocolate fountain/teacakes, massages and personal prayer ministry. Their cars were vacuumed and they went home with flowers to boot!!