Romans 8:26-34

Thank  You, Spirit –

You help me in my distress(es) which I feel daily; You pray for me (such a comfort,  for so many times I can’t even put my thoughts or feelings into words); You plead on my behalf in harmony with God’s perfect plan for me – wow! You’re in my camp! You’ve got my back!

Thank You, God –

You know all hearts – even my own disloyal, confused and conflicted one;  You cause ALL things – the good, the bad, the hard, the mysterious – to work together for good, uniquely pieced together like a creative patchwork quilt;  You knew me in advance, before I had the faintest heartbeat blip on screen, and despite my failures and limitations chose ME to become like Your precious beloved Son and to become a family member with Him! Why me, when You of all know what lies within my heart and what I am capable of? You put Your best within me and bring out Your best from me. You chose, You called and You give me right standing with You, none of which I deserve, all a part of Your loving, divine plan. And to top it off, You promise me Your glory!! There is glory and value in being ransomed by Your Prize Son taking my place.  Because of this, I know that anything less than this is like nothing in Your eyes! And I can rest in the peace that comes with the knowledge that You do not judge or condemn me.

If I feel judgment or condemnation it NOT from You!

I am honored to receive such help, care and choosing. I still can’t get over it – Your choice is me!  To be chosen by the One who knows me; knows me and still loves me and chooses me

You love me as I am now, yet You invest so much in me and have plans for nobility and honor in my life

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